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3D Coral Reef Sculpture, Collaboration of Marine Science, Art

3D coral reef sculpture, collaboration of marine science, art

Written by David

December 7, 2020


At first glance, the fields of art and science could not be any more different, any more unrelated, but what happens when the worlds of artistry and analysis collide? The answer: collaborative innovation.


One such example is the work between the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo ’s Jonathon “Jon” E. Goebel , an associate professor of art, and John H.R. Burns, an assistant professor of marine science. The combination of their expertise is how a 3D coral project was born.


“Jonathon and I worked closely together developing the data visualization class at UH Hilo, which combined students from art, computer science and marine science,” said Burns. “The goal was to create an interdisciplinary course that combined the student skill sets to create digital outreach tools to share important environmental information.” The […]

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