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3D printed food: how pork, beef, potatoes, even vegetables personalised by machines can help people eat better

3D printed food: how pork, beef, potatoes, even vegetables personalised by machines can help people eat better

Written by David

August 27, 2020


Broccoli, 3D-printed into unusual shapes to tempt a picky toddler. Beef stew, produced in the same way to make it easy to swallow for an elderly relative. Pork and potatoes, also rendered by a machine for a patient with oral cancer who can’t chew.


Advances in 3D-printing means printed food is becoming increasingly mainstream. It is deconstructed and modified for nutritional content and visual appeal, before being reconstructed as a meal. The old and the unwell stand to benefit the most from this food revolution – experts say there is an urgent need to analyse the food and nutritional needs of elderly people , as the proportion of the world’s population over 65 is expected to grow from 25 per cent to 40 per cent by 2030. Get the latest insights and analysis from our Global Impact newsletter on the big stories originating in China. “Difficulty swallowing and chewing, […]

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