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A Coffee Shop and a Conversation...

And 60,000+ LinkedIn Members
Meet DavidMeet Paul

Serving the 3D Printing Community for More Than a Decade

3D Printing Today started as a natural progression from the original and the largest 3D Printing group on LinkedIn. When I started the group in 2008, a LinkedIn search on “3D Printing” brought up zero results. I had recently sold my company and had just discovered 3D Printing.

I am a design engineer, a model builder, a computer nerd, and a salesman. I did a Google search on “Model Building” and was baffled when I discovered a video of a Z Corporation 3D Printer. I’ve had blinders on ever since and have devoted 100% of my career to 3D Printing.

As of June, 2018, our LinkedIn membership exceeded 60,000 members. With a membership that large, we had to instill several rules to keep the group focused on issues surrounding 3D Printing, a.k.a. Additive Manufacturing. Several years later, LinkedIn took away all the demographic information and Promotion and Product tabs. Many people contact me daily about wanting to promote a Convention, a new Product or a Service related to 3D Printing. But being true to the group, I have had to decline… even when money has been offered. As the calls for this type of information on products, conventions and more has grown, my team and I decided to launch  this companion site to the LinkedIn group to help fill that need.

My involvement with 3D Printing Today started from my friendship with Paul, whom I’ve known since 1994. We would get together now and then for coffee and to catch up. About five years ago, in the summer of 2013, Paul told me about his 3D Printing LinkedIn group. That cup of coffee and conversation would lead to this site. I joined the group and was intrigued by the technology. Paul and I talked briefly back then about building a website “at some point in the future,” as Paul has the knowledge of 3D printing and I have been designing websites since the mid-90’s.

Fast forward to 2018… 3D Printing is no longer a hobby or merely an interesting technology. It stands to have a profound effect on and in our everyday lives, much as the innovation of smartphones and tablets has changed the way we live and interact with people and businesses globally.

Paul and I truly believe that the changes brought about by what is known as 3D Printing will be much more profound, as they will impact all segments of our societies, both locally and globally. 


Our Goal Is Quality Over Quantity for our Visitors and Members

The world of 3D Printing is a rapidly growing and evolving field of various technologies that are constantly morphing as innovation accelerates. We aim to be both a resource for those just discovering 3D Printing, as well as a resource for professionals who have been immersed in the technology for years.

As we grow our site, our desire is to provide relevant and timely information for users of all levels, along with reviews of products and software.

Providing Our Members Newly Curated Content Every Day

The amount of new content, daily, about the ongoing trends and technology breakthroughs in 3D Printing is truly staggering. We actively curate this content for our members on a daily basis so they can read and discuss the latest trends, products, and product reviews.

Search. Find. Create. Build.

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