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A 3D printed splitter allows multiple COVID-19 patients to access a single ventilator

A 3D printed splitter allows multiple COVID-19 patients to access a single ventilator

Written by David

March 26, 2020


As reported by 3dpbm’s Spanish-language portal this morning, group of companies and institutions led by the alliance between the Consorci de la Zona Franca (CZFB) and Leitat started yesterday the production of a 3D printed splitter that will allow multiple patients affected by the Coronavirus syndrome COIVD-19 to access a single respirator.


The idea is not entirely new and several entities have been working on it . However, the rapid deterioration of the situation in Spain makes it particularly urgent to validate and deliver these parts. The shortage of assisted ventilation equipment in hospitals and ICUs has generated the need for the development of a printed part that would enable the use of a single assisted ventilation machine for two – but can reach up to three or even four -patients, with the same ventilatory requirements . Simultaneously. The design has been developed by the Leitat R + […]

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