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Can we save wildlife with 3D printing?

Can we save wildlife with 3D printing?

Written by David

July 18, 2019


We recently wrote about saving forests thanks to Additive Manufacturing , now new research was conducted to protect wildlife animals.

Brandy Neiles, a resource biologist from South Dakota’s Gae, Fish & Parks, is changing the face of preserving the Bobcat population with his revolutionary development.

What is the problem?

To protect the wildlife we need to know a few essential information, like population growth rate and survival estimation. Brandy Neiles explains the importance of it especially for Bobcats: ‘’ What we’re looking for as the end goal is a population growth rate for bobcats in the Black Hills, and a survival estimate. So, to get a specific growth rate, which helps us with our harvest, models, and population viability – we need the bobcat kitten survival rate. And, that’s just never been published for bobcats before .’’ Traditionally, the animals are tracked with implanted radio transmitters , but […]

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