Amber Leung is stuck at home but is making the most of it. She is hard at work making protective face shields to give...
COVID-19 Articles
Bracing for a long battle against COVID-19: General Use Face Shields designed by PolyU ready for mass production
The situation in Hong Kong has become more critical amid the rise of confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections. Experts...
World responding to Lebanon man’s design increasing capacity of ventilators
Robert Conley's exhausted. . His phone hasn't stopped ringing since news...
Baltimore makers unite to create face shields for medical workers using 3D printing technology
On Thursday afternoon, the executive director of Open Works laid off all 21 of his part-time employees as the...
Angus firm says 3D printing could be a way of providing vital medical parts during coronavirus crisis
An Angus-based 3D printing company is in talks with counterparts in Italy about using the technology to print parts...
Why we need ventilators and why it is so hard to make them
The main issue, as explained in a New York Times reportage, is that, to put it plainly, “ there aren’t enough...
These Good Samaritans with a 3D printer are saving lives by making new respirator valves for free
As more and more patients are hospitalized with COVID-19, resources at health facilities are being strained. That’s...
Telford 3D printing company offers to make vital coronavirus ventilators
A 3D printing business in Telford has offered its resources to help make ventilators for coronavirus patients. Ricoh...