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The Brainport mindset: bringing a 3D printing product to the market together – even as competitors

The Brainport mindset: bringing a 3D printing product to the market together – even as competitors

Written by David

December 9, 2020


3D-geprinte rugimplantaten A lab-on-chip, an intervertebral disc, or an ultra-thin grid in an X-ray machine. All examples of applications with 3D printing in the medical world.


Promising production technologies in a world where new products have to meet strict quality requirements. Three companies from the Brainport region are entering the medical market with this kind of “Additive Manufacturing”. Keiron Keiron wants to further develop and market the laser printing technology researched and validated by Holst Centre. Last September, the start-up took part in the HighTechXL program, which builds companies around existing and yet to be developed ‘deep-tech’. The technology Keiron is working on is a laser printing method to create functionalities on microfluidic chips. These chips can be used to study liquids and gases on a micrometer scale. “We are developing a method that is affordable, flexible, and scalable,” says co-founder Jimmy Sy-A-Chin. Mini channels On an empty chip, […]

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