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Wood Filled Filament

Wood Filled is a combination of PLA and wood dust, cork, that creates a wood look and texture.
Overview | Positives & NegativesHardware Requirements

An Overview of Wood Filled Filament

Wood-based filaments are typically a composite that combines a PLA base material with wood dust, cork, and other powdered wood derivatives. Typically, the filament consists of around 30% wood particles, but the exact number may vary depending on the brand. The presence of these particles gives the 3D printed parts the aesthetics of real wood. This filament is also less abrasive compared to other composite filaments such as carbon-fiber filled and metal filled, since wood particles are much softer.


 There are some wood-like filaments on the market that only contain wood coloring, but no actual wood particles, so these typically have a very different look and feel. This guide will focus on wood infused PLA filaments since these are the most common, but you can use these tips as a starting point for other wood-based filaments as well.


  • Wood-textured finish is aesthetically appealing
  • Does not need any expensive wear resistant nozzles
  • Aromatic and pleasant smelling


  • Prone to stringing
  • Smaller nozzles can end up with partial clogs over time
  • May require a larger size nozzle

Typical Hardware Requirements

Printer Bed

Temperature: 45-60 °C
Heated Bed Optional
Enclosure Not Required

Build Surface

Painter’s Tape
Glue Stick
Glass Plate

Filament Extruder

Temperature: 190-220 °C
No special hotend required

Cooling Fan

Cooling Fan Required

Getting Started

Common Applications

  • Household decorations
  • Cosplay props
  • Toys

Popular Brands

  • ColorFabb WoodFill, BambooFill, CorkFill
  • Fillamentum Timberfill
  • Hatchbox Woodfill
  • FormFutura EasyWood
  • Polymaker PolyWood

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