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3D-printing metal-organic framework solids for high-pressure gas storage and separation

3D-printing metal-organic framework solids for high-pressure gas storage and separation

Written by David

February 26, 2020


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) rank among the best materials for catalysis, gas storage and gas storage and processing. So far, more than 20 000 different MOFs have been fabricated and characterized.


“While MOFs are produced as loose powders and tested as such at the laboratory scale, applications generally require easy-to-handle solids with a specific shape and sufficient mechanical robustness to withstand long-term damaging stresses, such as attrition and hydrostatic pressure,” Jérémy Dhainaut, a researcher at the Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS), Université de Lille (he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS) at Kyoto University at the time of this work).


“In our recent work, we focused on the preparation of MOF-based solids by robocasting with a controlled macroscale morphology and superior textural properties.” A crucial issue for designing MOF-based solids is about finding the best comprise between […]

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