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3D Printing: The Hobby of the Future


The technological evolution of computers and their components is expanding faster than weeds in a cow pasture. Indeed, cell phones today have more computing power than all of NASA’s computers did over 50 years ago, and they sent two astronauts to the moon!


We’ve come a long way from the days of the old computers and their daisy-wheel printers, which were basically just glorified, hands-free typewriters. Today’s inkjet and laser printers make the daisy wheel as relevant as dinosaur bones.


So, what could cause the newer printers to slip into the history of outdated technologies?


Potentially, 3D printing.


The applications for this technology are almost unlimited. In the medical field they are already being used to manufacture prosthetics, surgical instruments and teeth aligners, as well as 3D models from MRI and CT scans to assess the best way to approach difficult surgical procedures. Researchers also are already working on […]

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