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3D Printing Webinar and Virtual Event Roundup, August 23, 2020

3D Printing Webinar and Virtual Event Roundup, August 23, 2020

Written by David

August 25, 2020


Autodesk’s Advanced Manufacturing Summit Tuesday, August 25th through Thursday, August 27th, Autodesk is hosting a free, global, and virtual Advanced Manufacturing Summi , featuring speakers and sessions focused on CAM, injection molding, generative design, additive manufacturing, automation, and other design and manufacturing trends.


In addition to networking time and some hands-on learning sessions, and a COVID success story, there will be a keynote presentation each day. All keynotes will take place at 11 am EDT. On the 25th, Autodesk’s Vice President of Business Strategy for Design & Manufacturing, Srinath Jonnalagadda, and Neil Briggs, founder of UK auto manufacturer BAC Mono, will discuss adapting to and overcoming the challenges posed by manufacturing in a post-COVID world. Autodesk’s Associate Vice President […]

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