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Aerospace and Aviation Articles

Researchers 3D Print Biodegradable “Leaves” Capable of Producing Oxygen on Mars

3D printing is becoming more sophisticated almost by the day, as scientists and engineers are constantly improving and developing techniques to make the process more efficient and expand its capabilities. Creating sustainable solutions is just one way to enhance the...

Space Is Expensive. Can 3D Printing and On-Orbit Construction Drive the Cost Down?

An artist’s concept of a toroidal space colony that could accommodate 10,000 people. (Credit: NASA)  . Little more than a decade ago, NASA estimated that it cost around $10,000 to launch a single pound of payload into space. Today, that price tag has fallen...

Using 3D Printing in Search for Black Holes

An X-ray telescope designed to search for supermassive black holes could be built using a novel 3D-printing technique called plasma metal deposition. The ESA space telescope – which would also be used to map hot gas structures and determine their physical properties –...

3D Printed ‘Artificial Leaves’ Could Provide Sustainable Energy on Mars

A group of international researchers led by the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in Netherlands used 3D printing to create a living material made of algae that could lead to sustainable energy production on Mars as well as a number of other applications, a TU...

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