(As someone dealing with cancer myself, this is most encouraging, especially as we move forward. The impact of 3D...
Medical Video Articles
3D Printing Custom Prosthetics
World responding to Lebanon man’s design increasing capacity of ventilators
Conley, 56, an associate professor at Three Rivers...
VentilAid open-source ventilator that can be made anywhere locally
Prusa 3D printing stories: University Hospital Olomouc
University Hospital Olomouc is one of the biggest...
Personalized care, with 3D-printed heart models
UW Medicine cardiologist Mark Reisman and research...
3D Printed Implants Could Help Patients with Bone Cancer
Well, this is the 21rst century... A major new...
Stanford researchers design a touchable 3D printing display for the visually impaired
To make computer-aided design more accessible to people...