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Large-format 3D printing enables toolless, rapid production for AUVs

Large-format 3D printing enables toolless, rapid production for AUVs

Written by David

May 7, 2021


Dive Technologies Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) are a type of unmanned robotic vehicle capable of traveling underwater without physical connection to or remote control from a human operator.


Often outfitted with sensors or cameras, or transporting equipment, AUVs are used in various markets, including defense and ocean-based research. Energy companies have also used AUVs for offshore survey work to monitor existing oil and gas or offshore wind infrastructure, and to investigate areas for new development.


Typically, the exterior hulls of AUVs either comprise one big, metal pressure vessel, similar to a manned submarine, or more recently, these vessels have been built from thermoformed plastic or composites. Both options, however, require the development and purchase of dedicated tooling, which is expensive and limits the amount of customization that can be accommodated for AUV customers. One relatively new AUV development company has discovered that composite 3D printing may solve many of the limitations to traditional manufacturing. Assessing a composites supply chain in flux Challenges of laser-assisted tape winding of thermoplastic composites Dive Technologies’ (Quincy, Mass., U.S.) […]

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