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Library of Congress checks out 3D printing

Library of Congress checks out 3D printing

Written by David

February 23, 2020


Have you ever wished you could fist bump President Abraham Lincoln? Now you can — well, after you make a print of the 3D image that the Library of Congress recently posted. The larger-than-life hand (clutching a sawed-off broomstick handle) of a larger-than-life president is one of two 3D images that the library’s 3D Digital Modeling, Imaging and Printing Working Group has posted so far in the Experiments Gallery of the library’s LC Labs website.


The other is of an exposicio mistica super exod[um] , a 12 th -century manuscript on vellum, parchment made from calf skin. Website visitors can twist and turn the images to see them from every angle, manipulate them to see what they look like in other materials such as clay, with other backgrounds, in different light, measure them with the tape tool and slice them into smaller parts. They are also read details about […]

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