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Maker Spotlight: Dominic Bender

Maker Spotlight: Dominic Bender

Written by David

January 28, 2020


Maker Spotlight: Dominic Bender


Name: Dominic Bender


Where are you located? Germany, Bavaria


What is your day job? Mechanical Engineer


What kinds of stuff do you make? I mostly make physical things from wood, metal and plastic. I also do 3D printing, papercraft and writing for the TTRPG realm. And every now and then I create fantasy recipes. These days most projects are inspired by pop culture and my own narrative based on a group of cultists who commissioned me to make the planets align. It’s a long and ongoing story.


How did you get started making stuff? Making my own Star Wars dioramas in my room, initially with cardboard and toothpicks.


What is something that you’ve made that you’re really proud of? My Death of Rats Halloween decoration. My wife has allowed me to put it on the front porch several years in a row, which is saying something. Also, every project […]

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