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Team scans cathedral to create its ‘digital twin’


Conservationists with scanners claim that Peterborough Cathedral is now the most digitally recorded historic building in the world as they work to make a “digital twin” of it. Workers abseiled from the 12th-century building with handheld scanners on Monday to record its detailed carvings.


The five team members are also using a drone and have photographically mapped the Norman structure with more than 30,000 images. The project aims to identify where repairs are needed and cathedral staff hope that the data can be used as a learning resource for schoolchildren unable to visit amid the pandemic. Stonemason Kate Holmes, from Architectural & Heritage Scanning, abseils down Peterborough Cathedral to carry out a laser scan (Joe Giddens/PA) “Similar work has been carried out at Notre Dame Cathedral and at Westminster Abbey but this is not quite so in-depth as we […]

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