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Archaeology and History

Trends in Archaeology and History and 3D Printing

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Our 12 Most Popular Posts in Archaeology and History (Ranked by View Count)

Download and 3D-Print 18,000 Artifacts from Art History through Scan the World

Download and 3D-Print 18,000 Artifacts from Art History through Scan the World

“Scan the World might be one of the only institutions where visitors are encouraged to handle the most-valued sculptures and ...
Official 3D Scans of Nefertiti Bust Are Released After Three-Year Battle

Official 3D Scans of Nefertiti Bust Are Released After Three-Year Battle

In February of 2016, Hyperallergic reported that two artists secretly 3D-scanned the heavily guarded bust of Queen Nefertiti at the ...
Former Browns Running Back Restores Nearly 200-Year-Old Menorah with 3D Printing

Former Browns Running Back Restores Nearly 200-Year-Old Menorah with 3D Printing

From artwork and historic buildings to monuments and other priceless artifacts , technologies like 3D scanning and 3D printing are ...
More Caves From China’s Yungang Grottoes are Reproduced Thanks to 3D printing

More Caves From China’s Yungang Grottoes are Reproduced Thanks to 3D printing

Archeology labs, museums, and cultural heritage institutions around the world have been using 3D printing technology to fabricate countless objects ...
Team scans cathedral to create its ‘digital twin’

Team scans cathedral to create its ‘digital twin’

Conservationists with scanners claim that Peterborough Cathedral is now the most digitally recorded historic building in the world as they ...
3D Scanning & 3D Printing in Archaeology & Paleontology

3D Scanning & 3D Printing in Archaeology & Paleontology

Archaeologists are embracing 3D printing and scanning as innovative ways to both preserve and display the past.  . Ever want ...
Cretaceous Bird Fossil: Researchers Use 3D Technologies to Reveal Beak Developments

Cretaceous Bird Fossil: Researchers Use 3D Technologies to Reveal Beak Developments

An international team of researchers led by Ohio University (OU) Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Professor Patrick O’Connor announced the ...
Library of Congress checks out 3D printing

Library of Congress checks out 3D printing

Have you ever wished you could fist bump President Abraham Lincoln? Now you can -- well, after you make a ...
Recreating the voice of a 3,000-year-old mummy using 3D printing

Recreating the voice of a 3,000-year-old mummy using 3D printing

We know that 3D printing is being used as a tool to help preserve artefacts and share cultural histories, but ...
Oxford University replicates historical instruments with 3D printing

Oxford University replicates historical instruments with 3D printing

The Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford houses a stunning collection of historical musical instruments from around the ...
3D printing brings ancient Yungang Grottoes to world

3D printing brings ancient Yungang Grottoes to world

With 3D printing and high-fidelity digital technologies, the immovable Yungang Grottoes, the 1,500-year-old masterpieces of Chinese Buddhist art, took its ...
Can 3D printing drive repatriation efforts in museums?

Can 3D printing drive repatriation efforts in museums?

Researchers in Brighton are exploring how 3D printing technologies can help museums in repatriation efforts.  . Myrsini Samaroudi and Karina ...

Nine Most Recent Posts in Archaeology and History

Nine Most Recent Videos in Archaeology and History

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3D Printing and Archaeology | History
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3D Printing and Archaeology | History
The use of 3D Printing in Archaeology and history
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