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3DP AIPerfecter Offers Part Analysis to 3D Printing Service Bureaus


Service bureaus offer the ability to have prototypes and parts fabricated on professional equipment (especially important as some designers may not have access to any 3D printing resources) and in most cases bring extensive expertise to the table to help with design and manufacturing plans.


The, team, founded in 2017 and headquartered in Israel, understands the benefits and the challenges in offering 3D printing services as the founding brothers—Eitan and Itamar Yona—not only had a lot of work in their beginning stages, but a lot of questions from customers, too. As they began educating their customers further, they also gained a deeper understanding of the processes and continued to learn through their experiences and mistakes.


The 3DP AI-Perfecter™ dashboard The results of their work and learning have evolved into an automated workflow system that, according to, “turns 3D service bureaus and manufacturing engineers into instant 3D […]

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