A Yorkshire entrepreneur seeking to capitalise on the boom in demand for 3D printing is targeting turnover of more...
People Articles
3D Systems Is Now a Player in the 3D Bioprinting Market
While it's still relatively early in the company's turnaround, things have been looking brighter over the last couple...
3DPOD Episode 62: Hydraulics 3D Printing with Marcus Pont, Domin CEO
I’m unabashedly a Domin fanboy. The UK-based company makes high-performance hydraulic valves in Poland using powder...
Interview: How adidas leveraged Carbon’s 3D printing and lattice technology to push runners forward
Platitudes and hyperbole are pretty much the norm around any disruptive technology. Usually, these bold declarations...
Engineering student helps federal experts solve a messy 3D printing problem
Tomographic 3D printing is a revolutionary technology that uses light to create three-dimensional objects. A projector...
Bionic arms ambassador Daniel Melville hopes for a more advanced, affordable future
Keisha Howard of Sugar Games digs into making games and prosthetics more accessible with Daniel Melville (right), who...
Printing our way out of the Netherlands housing crisis: ‘It is desperately needed’
Professor Theo Salet of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is the driving force behind Project Milestone, which...
3D printing using electron beams
Prof. Dr. Carolin Körner, Chair of Materials Science and Engineering for Metals at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität...
instalimb uses 3D scanning and printing to make prosthetic legs more affordable
Instalimb is a Philippines-based company that’s on a mission to make prostheses more affordable. Using 3D scanning and...
Interview with Chris Aiello, co-owner of a new binder-jet 3D printing shop
Who would start a business during a global pandemic? A lot of people. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number...
Interview: Adam Sklar – A 27-Year-Old Building Hardcore Hardtails from Steel and Titanium
I first saw one of Adam Sklar's bikes at a cyclocross race in Sandpoint, Idaho, in 2014. A friend had just received...
Desktop Metal appoints Stephen Nigro and Scott Dussault to Board of Directors
Desktop Metal P-50 Desktop Metal has announced former HP 3D Printing President Stephen Nigro and veteran CFO Scott...