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Cooksongold partners with 3D LAB on AtoNoble ultrasonic atomization of precious metals.

Cooksongold partners with 3D LAB on AtoNoble ultrasonic atomization of precious metals.

Written by David

November 19, 2019


Precious metals and precious metal 3D printing provider Cooksongold is partnering with 3D LAB on the AtoNoble, a compact powder atomization machine that will help revolutionize powder production and parameter development for precious metals.


The machine uses a patented process, known as ultrasonic plasma atomization, to melt non-reactive precious metals into powder form. Typically powder atomizers take up a large space and infrastructure that requires a high volume of raw products.


The AtoNoble has been specially designed to be compact, measuring approx. 1995mm high, 813 mm wide and 1138 mm deep, requiring less investment into infrastructure. It’s also able to use much smaller quantities of raw material, in this case, metal rods or wire that feed into the machine to create the atomized powder. AtoNoble is the first of its kind […]

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