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Crafting top-notch prosthetics with composites

Crafting top-notch prosthetics with composites

Written by David

July 18, 2019


One of the exciting aspects of engineering is the potential to design and build something that truly revolutionizes the quality of life for the better.

Fillauer Composites uses carbon-fiber and fiberglass to build prosthetic feet. When needed to perfectly produce carbon fiber parts, Fillauer partnered with 3D Hubs to reduce the cost of production and open up more time for their engineers to focus on perfecting the designs. Medical device technology is a field at the center of innovation. With the constant availability of new materials and designs, medical device manufacturers are always finding ways to make products that are durable, easy-to-use, and improve the end user’s lifestyle. About Fillauer and Prostheses Credit: Drobot Dean The parent company of Fillauer […]

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