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Overcoming the challenges of 3D printing with soft thermoplastic elastomers

Overcoming the challenges of 3D printing with soft thermoplastic elastomers

Written by David

February 26, 2020


Kraiburg TPE performed extensive tests to examine the suitability of its thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) for use in additive manufacturing (AM).


The tests showed that most of the company’s TPEs can be used on fused deposition modeling (FDM) on devices from Pollen AM.


“Due to physical limitations, most classic 3D filament printers are not suitable for processing soft TPEs. In addition, it’s only possible to draw fairly limited conclusions from prototypes made of special 3D printing materials in relation to the performance of standard injection molding or extrusion compounds,” says Dr. Thomas Wagner from Product Management EMEA at Kraiburg TPE. “The challenge we faced was to precisely analyze the prerequisites for fused deposition modeling of soft TPEs. In order to find a suitable solution, we had to learn to separate the technical limitations of the printers from those of the materials.”


The pellet additive manufacturing (PAM) system from Pollen AM, […]

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