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What Is An Industrial 3D Printer?


What exactly is an “industrial” 3D printer?


This question was posed recently to the LinkedIn community by 3D printing industry expert Andrew Allshorn in response to having been asked the question himself. It resonated with me.


As an industry marketer, I have considered and blogged about this very question, and I have been asked to position certain printers as “industrial.” My thoughts about the topic have evolved over time, along with the industry. Andrew’s post evoked great insight about the topic from members of the industry across geography and functional disciplines, which served to solidify in my mind that there is no universal definition of an industrial 3D printer. Bear with me; I promise, I’m not taking the easy way out.


Some people assert that the applications for which the 3D printer is used determine whether or not it is an industrial 3D printer. I was originally one of […]

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