Advance Market Analytics recently introduced Global 3D Printing in Education Market study with in-depth overview, describing about the Product / Industry Scope and elaborates market outlook and status to 2025.
3D Printing in Education Market explores effective study on varied sections of Industry like opportunities, size, growth, technology, demand and trend of high leading players. It also provides market key statistics on the status of manufacturers, a valuable source of guidance, direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry.
3D printing also is known as “additive manufacturing”. This technology uses computer-aided design to create 3D objects using plastic, metal and composite materials which are layered to create physical models, pattern, tooling components, and production parts. 3D printing is very versatile in nature and it is used for engineering prototypes and tools for the manufacturing processes etc. The global 3D printing market in education is growing tremendously and […]
Case Study: How PepsiCo achieved 96% cost savings on tooling with 3D Printing Technology
Above: PepsiCo food, snack, and beverage product line-up/Source: PepsiCo PepsiCo turned to tooling with 3D printing...