If you look at that crooked row of teeth one morning, the thought might occur that you could really use some invisible aligners.
One of the earliest killer apps in 3D printing, this alternative to metal braces has proliferated wildly. Medgadget anticipates the global invisible aligners market to reach $8.2 billion by 2026. As a method for producing patient-specific models on which these aligners are thermoformed, 3D printing continues to play a critical part in this segment, with SmarTech Analysis projecting a $317.3M revenue opportunity by 2028 for additive manufacturing (AM) and clear aligners.
The Additive Manufacturing in Dentistry 2019: An Opportunity Analysis and Ten-year Forecast report covers this topic quite extensively, but this author thought it might be useful for those considering the use of invisible aligners to better understand the technology behind it and the options available on the market. Screenshot from Formlabs’ website. The production of […]
Case Study: How PepsiCo achieved 96% cost savings on tooling with 3D Printing Technology
Above: PepsiCo food, snack, and beverage product line-up/Source: PepsiCo PepsiCo turned to tooling with 3D printing...