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Aerospace Valley, Tecnalia to support 4 new EIT Manufacturing projects


Aerospace Valley, Tecnalia, Volkswagen and a number of European academic institutions are launching 4 innovative projects in the frame of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) In order to strengthen Europe’s ability to innovate, the European Union launched a unique initiative in 2008 by creating the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which is divided into several Knowledge Innovation Communities or KICs, addressing different activities.


Created in 2018, EIT Manufacturing is the KIC dedicated to manufacturing and includes 50 partners – industries, academics and research labs – from 17 countries. Aerospace Valley, one of the founding members (and the only French competitiveness clusters to be part of an EIT as a founding-member) is the only representative of the French aerospace industry. After its first call for proposals last year, EIT Manufacturing has confirmed the funding of 4 ambitious and innovative projects, in which […]

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Aerospace Valley, Tecnalia to support 4 new EIT Manufacturing projects
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