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Our 12 Most Popular Posts in 3D Trends (Ranked by View Count)
How to Make and Sell 3D-Printed Products on Amazon
Yes, You Can Order a 3D-Printed Guest House
The Future of 3D Printing: Replication of Human Organs
African surgeon successfully performs first-ever transplant surgery to cure deafness
Greek Man Building 3D Printed House in Germany
New Technology Combines 3D Printing with Injection Molding
New 3D Printing Method for Multicolor Microstructures
Bentley Motors Drives its Future Car Design With 3D Printing
Kamp C completes two-storey house 3D-printed in one piece
Watch This Company Build The World’s Largest 3D Printed House In One Go
This Innovative 3D Printer Design Folds for Portability
eForge electronic 3D printing system features 8 extruders
Nine Most Recent Posts in 3D Trends
7 Exciting Ways 3D Printing Is Changing the World Around Us in 2020
The 3D printing industry has experienced consistent and stable growth over the past decade, disrupting multiple industries. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of them all. . Innovators and the researchers in the footwear, fashion design, construction, automotive...
Innovation Goes Viral: How Collective Ideation Could Empower Overnight Answers to the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Grand Challenges
Photo Credit: Michael Aiken, 2020 Until a reliable SARS-COV-2 vaccine is developed, leaders around the globe are being forced to confront and manage a “grim equilibrium”: one that balances economic sustainability with vulnerable citizen mortality rates....
The US Is Desperate For Ventilators and N95 Masks. Can We 3D Print Them?
The coronavirus pandemic has turned manufacturing upside down. General Motors, which normally manufactures cars, has begun work on ventilator production; so have Ford and Tesla. Fashion designer Christian Siriano, meanwhile, has pivoted from hosting Project Runway to...
From Prototyping to Production: 3D Printing for Space Comes into its Own
3D printing – once the domain of nerdy hobbyists – is gaining momentum across multiple industries including the satellite sector thanks to the efforts of NASA to advance 3D printing in space, as well as early commercial innovators. . Today, antenna and propulsion...
America 2.0 Alert: Coronavirus Fast-Forwarding 3D Printing
One of our America 2.0 mega trends is being fast-tracked through the coronavirus crisis. The 3D-printing industry is more important now than ever before. Right now, 3D-printing factories are creating ventilators, medical supplies and face masks at rapid speed. . This...
World’s largest 3D printing facility gears up to help protect doctors
Founder of Prusa Research, the world’s largest 3D printing factory located in Prague, Josef Prusa has spoken about how the company is doing everything it can to aid the production of much needed medical supplies during the COVID-19 crisis. . While Prusa Research is...
WASP shares open source processes for production of personalized PPE masks and helmets
In compliance with the rules imposed by the Italian government for the health of workers and the fight against COVID-19, company activity at WASP has continued regularly. At the same time, the Italian firm decided to convert its innovation capacity in order to fight...
Ultimaker Connects 3D Printing Hubs, Experts, and Designers with Hospitals to Enable 3D Printing Support During Coronavirus Outbreak
As countries worldwide face the challenge of managing the COVID-19 pandemic, Ultimaker is making its global network of 3D printing hubs, experts, and designers directly available to hospitals in need of tools and applications that are short in supply and can be...
Toledo man using 3-D printers to make face shields for doctors and nurses
People across the country have been finding ways to help slow down the Coronavirus pandemic, from making homemade hand sanitizer, to sewing face masks and donating them to hospitals. . Now, a Toledo man is turning his love of 3-D printing into a way to help. . Ryan...
Nine Most Recent Videos in 3D Trends