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Our 12 Most Popular Posts in 3D Trends (Ranked by View Count)
How to Make and Sell 3D-Printed Products on Amazon
Yes, You Can Order a 3D-Printed Guest House
The Future of 3D Printing: Replication of Human Organs
African surgeon successfully performs first-ever transplant surgery to cure deafness
Greek Man Building 3D Printed House in Germany
New Technology Combines 3D Printing with Injection Molding
New 3D Printing Method for Multicolor Microstructures
Bentley Motors Drives its Future Car Design With 3D Printing
Kamp C completes two-storey house 3D-printed in one piece
Watch This Company Build The World’s Largest 3D Printed House In One Go
This Innovative 3D Printer Design Folds for Portability
eForge electronic 3D printing system features 8 extruders
Nine Most Recent Posts in 3D Trends
3D-printing metal-organic framework solids for high-pressure gas storage and separation
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) rank among the best materials for catalysis, gas storage and gas storage and processing. So far, more than 20 000 different MOFs have been fabricated and characterized. . "While MOFs are produced as loose powders and tested as such at...
An Overview of 3D Printing in Different Industries
While 3D printing hasn’t exactly lived up to its hype yet, it is nonetheless permeating various industries. By the end of 2020, 6.7 million units are expected to be shipped worldwide. . The estimate underscores the slow but sure rise of 3D printing. That being said,...
Trish Dromey: Wicklow firm to shake up 3D printing world
With 3D printing technology that is less expensive, easier to use and more scalable than anything available before, Calt Dynamics in Wicklow believes it can shake up the world of global manufacturing. . The technology called Physical Mask Curing allows for...
Researchers use stem cells to 3D print the world’s first human cornea
At the moment, 3D printing technology has an uncapped potential, and something to reinforce that fact is scientists successfully 3D printing the world's first cornea. . Researchers at Newcastle University, located in the United Kingdom, have recently published a new...
Robots are printing 3D bridges in Amsterdam
Amsterdam's robot-printed steel bridge, the first of its kind in the world, is more attractive than you might expect. Its curved, raw steel balustrades with intricate mesh detailing are typical of the optimised aesthetic of 3D printing. . First displayed publicly in...
Next Chapter Manufacturing: Redesigning Injection Molding with 3D Printing
Additive manufacturing (AM) is already making strong inroads into the injection molding industry due to its ability to reduce the cost and improve the performance of molds used in the process. . What we are now starting to see is an increasing number of companies and...
Are 3D printed, flat-pack hotels the future of green tourism?
Aa Aa Eco-friendly hotel chain Habitas has come up with a concept to build 3D printed, flat-pack hotels. . The group has just announced a global expansion, but critics say it might not be as sustainable as it appears on the surface. From 2020, Habitas will build...
3D Printing: The Hobby of the Future
The technological evolution of computers and their components is expanding faster than weeds in a cow pasture. Indeed, cell phones today have more computing power than all of NASA’s computers did over 50 years ago, and they sent two astronauts to the moon! . We’ve...
Virtual Hearts in Actual Hands
The surgeon repairing the tiny infant heart knew he faced a daunting task. He’d have to work on the delicate organ and vessels hindered by limited access routes for observation. And the rarity of the baby’s congenital defect would force him to draw on surgical skills...
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